The Two Towers – Ottawa

Friday, March 6, at 7:30 p.m. – Richcraft Live at Canadian Tire Centre
Tickets are available http://www.canadiantirecentre.com/event/the-lord-of-the-rings-the-two-towers-in-concert/
At long last, Canada’s premier film concert orchestra will bring the second installment of The Lord of the Rings to Richcraft Live at Canadian Tire Centre as The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers – in Concert visits Ottawa on Friday, March 6.
Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.ticketmaster.ca, www.canadiantirecentre.com or the Canadian Tire Centre box office. The Canadian Tire Centre box office does not sell tickets in-person on the first day of sales, Ottawa Senators hockey excluded.
With 250 musicians onstage, The Two Towers is set to be Ottawa’s largest cine-concert in 2020! Join the Orchestre & Choeur FILMharmonique and the Petits Chanteurs du Mont-Royal for a thrilling journey back to Middle-earth and experience Academy Award®-winning composer Howard Shore’s epic score performed live to the motion picture in HD.
In The Two Towers, Shore develops the themes introduced in The Fellowship of the Ring and debuts figures for new cultures and characters – but it is the strengthening relationships within the amassed material that illustrates the increasingly entangled plight of Middle-earth. The Shire’s themes are carried by Merry and Pippin into Fangorn Forest, where they mix with the austere music of the tree-herding Ents. The Ents relate to the cleansing waves of the Nature’s Reclamation theme, the purity of which is embodied in the voice of a boy soprano – the same vocal sound with which the Seduction of the Ring lures its victims. The One Ring’s principle motif, the History of the Ring, mixes with the Pity of Gollum as the wretched, obsessive creature leads Sam and Frodo – and his Precious – ever closer to Mordor.
Sauron’s arsenal of material looms on the horizon, flaring and rearing up behind the blunt pestle of the Isengard music, which sprawls across Middle-earth’s plains, assailing the new Rohan Fanfare. The nobly braided Rohan music, in turn, finds an impressive ally, the Fellowship theme, now representing a reduced coalition of Man, Elf, Dwarf and Wizard. And so the connections continue, worlds of musical material circling and intertwining to create a vast ring of related themes.
The Two Towers has toured the world to rave reviews and has been described as “a magical experience”, “perfectly orchestrated” and “masterly.” Don’t miss this one chance to see the battle for the One Ring as never before, when J.R.R. Tolkien’s saga continues in Ottawa on March 6.
The original film will be shown with French subtitles.
Ticketmaster is the only authorized ticket vendor for Canadian Tire Centre events. Tickets purchased through unauthorized ticket vendors are subject to cancellation and purchasers may be denied access to the event. Only those tickets purchased through authorized vendors are guaranteed seating.
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